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Basic Pranic Healing

in beautiful Washington Crossing, PA

Dates: Sat., May 3 & Sun., May 4, 2025
Times: 9 am - 5 pm
Venue: Full Circle Energy Therapies, 1105 Taylorsville Rd., Washington Crossing, PA 18977

In this welcoming space, you will learn modern Pranic Healing, a systematic approach to the ancient healing arts.

Pranic Healing helps the body & mind heal faster and easier from virtually any condition. It is easy to learn and anyone can do it. 


Basic Pranic Healing (Level 1) teaches everything you need to heal yourself & others, both in person & remotely.


This class will also prepare you to continue with Advanced Pranic Healing (Level 2), if you want to work on more serious conditions.

You will learn how to:

*   help the body heal faster & easier from simple illnesses;

*   reduce pain;

*   decrease stress;

*   replace stagnant energies with fresh, revitalizing energies;

*   scan conditions of the aura and chakras;

*   self heal and heal others;

*   heal from a distance;

*   disconnect from draining people & negative situations;

*   keep yourself, your home & office energetically clean;

*   see & feel Pranic Energy in nature.


This class includes:


* principles behind Pranic Healing;

* sources of Prana;

* energetic reasons for disease;

* energetic anatomy;

* receptivity to healing;

* principle of lag time;

* why some patients don't heal;

* plenty of time for Q&A



* meditation power-up;

* sensitizing the hands;

* feeling energy;

* feeling energy in the chakras;

* healing simple conditions;

* self-healing;

* in-person healing;

* distant healing;

* lots of tips & insights


* morning & afternoon snack breaks;

* playing outside with prana;

* camaraderie with your classmates;

* wow's, aha's & insights;

* and ... a group sound healing journey with Lori Lynn!



You'll learn all the core techniques to heal yourself & others, in person & at a distance

Our classroom will be Full Circle Energy Therapies, a lovely space filled with great energy


On breaks, you might visit Washington Crossing Park or stroll the canal...

May is daffodil season in The Crossing!

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This class includes a group sound healing journey with our host, Lori Lynne

Amazing things can happen in a Pranic Healing class....


In this inspiring space, what might happen for you?.....

Your instructor for Basic Pranic Healing

Your Instructor

Alison Sahoo began Pranic Healing in 2013 and is Executive Director of Pranic Healing Bucks County, a 501c3 organization that hosts IRL and online meditation & healing events. Alison has completed all three levels of Pranic Healing certification, including the rigorous Pranic Psychotherapy Certification (CPPT) and is licensed to teach MCKS Basic Pranic Healing. She is also an active member of the Quantum Physics Prana Studies (QPPS) leadership team. Alison holds a BS in Physics from McGill University and an MBA from Rutgers University.

Basic Pranic Healing

Dates: Sat., May 3 & Sun., May 4, 2025
Times: 9 am - 5 pm
Location: Full Circle Energy Therapies, 1105 Taylorsville Rd., Washington Crossing, PA 18977 
Instructor: Alison Sahoo, CPPT
Includes: Snacks, Group Sound Healing Journey
Tuition: $450 (early bird: $425 thru March 1, 2025)

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