Pranic Healing class
Pranic Healing Bucks County is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing accessible and affordable healing services to the community. Our mission is to empower individuals to improve their health and well-being through the power of Pranic Healing.
We offer a wide variety of Pranic Healing events, healing services and classes to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Many of these are low or no cost. For example, our Healing Pod, which was established in early 2020, has performed over 8,000 healings for more than 600 clients, many of whom were quite ill, at no cost.
But.... you'll get the most from Pranic Healing when you can do it for yourself, your friends and your family. It's much more cost effective, and empowering, to know how to heal than to pay for healing services. That's why we also teach Basic Pranic Healing and organize Advanced Pranic Healing classes. Since 2019, more than 150 students have learned Pranic Healing in classes we've organized, referred to, or taught.
The pictures show some of our recent classes in Pennsylvania & New Jersey. They're a lot of fun! Basic Pranic Healing teaches everything you need to help yourself & others heal faster & easier from simple physical ailments. It will also prepare you for Advanced Pranic Healing, which teaches how to accelerate healing of more serious conditions, so you can work on more complex illnesses.
Most of our Pranic Healing classes have at least one scholarship student. Recipients are selected based upon their interest in learning Pranic Healing, financial need and our funds available. There is no cost or obligation to apply; if you're accepted, you will be notified of MCKS Basic Pranic Healing classes in your area and/or placed on a waiting list.