Basic Pranic Healing
at a weekend retreat
in Ocean City, NJ
Dates: Sat., April 5 & Sun., April 6, 2025
Times: 9 am - 5 pm
Venue: 1412 Ocean Ave., #2, Ocean City, NJ 08226
This weekend experience includes the full Basic Pranic Healing class, accommodation for three nights in Ocean City, New Jersey near the famous beach & Boardwalk, and some meals.
* help the body heal faster & easier from simple illnesses;
* reduce pain;
* decrease stress;
* replace stagnant energies with fresh, revitalizing energies;
* scan conditions of the aura and chakras;
* self heal and heal others;
* heal from a distance;
* disconnect from draining people & negative situations;
* keep yourself, your home & office energetically clean;
* see & feel Pranic Energy in nature.
Pranic Healing helps the body & mind heal faster and easier from virtually any condition. It is easy to learn and anyone can do it.
Basic Pranic Healing (Level 1) teaches everything you need to heal yourself & others, both in person & remotely.
In this class, you will learn how to:

This class includes:
* principles behind Pranic Healing;
* sources of Prana;
* energetic reasons for disease;
* energetic anatomy;
* receptivity to healing;
* principle of lag time;
* why some patients don't heal;
* Q&A
* meditation power-up;
* sensitizing the hands;
* feeling energy in the aura & chakras;
* healing simple conditions;
* self-healing;
* in-person healing;
* distant healing;
* tips & insights
* time to enjoy Ocean City & the Boardwalk
* morning & afternoon snack breaks;
* playing outside with energy;
* camaraderie with your classmates;
* wow's, aha's & insights;
* lots of magical moments
Our classroom overlooks Ocean Avenue, just a few steps from the Shore

On breaks, we will visit the beautiful Jersey Shore
Early April is off-season, which is a lovely time to experience the powerful energy of nature.
You will be able to feel and see the Prana in the ocean, the air and the land.
With 3 over-nights included in this retreat, you will be immersed in the experience of Pranic Healing. You'll be able to get to know your classmates and develop friendships as you explore the possibilities of Pranic Healing together.
On Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings, you may enjoy the quaint seaside town of Ocean City, partake of the local eateries, grab some handmade ice cream, shop for souvenirs, stroll the Boardwalk, run on the beach, find a quiet spot for reflection.... or do it all!
The famous Boardwalk is just a few steps away
The Boardwalk is a Jersey Shore must-see! Whether you enjoy shopping for souvenirs, taking long strolls by the ocean, invigorating your body with a jog or sampling a Jersey Shore snack, there's something for everyone on The Boardwalk!

Retreat Details
* accommodations are spacious single rooms at the class venue and similar townhomes nearby;
* check-in begins Friday night at 5 pm;
* check-out is Monday morning by noon.
Meals & refreshments
* breakfast will be provided on-site Saturday, Sunday & Monday;
* you may also have breakfast on your own at a local cafe;
* lunches & dinners are on your own;
* light refreshments will be provided during class breaks;
* the class will have dinner together on Saturday night at a local restaurant (not included in retreat cost);
* you may register for the Basic Pranic Healing class & retreat (3 nights accommodations & breakfasts);
* OR only for the class.
I took the Basic class about 2 years ago. The instructors were fabulous. The information and skills acquired have laid a solid foundation for my practice.
- Cindy Therese

Alison does a wonderful job teaching Pranic Healing. You will learn so much!
- Pat Dillon, CPPT
The class takes you from the ground up.... you don't have to know anything.
I can actually do this stuff now!!
- Carol Morgan
I was looking forward to my first Pranic Healing class. The class exceeded my expectations! I learned so much magnificent information that I couldn’t wait to take the next class. I am still learning and enjoying every moment!
- Pat Muller Gaffney

Your Instructor
Alison Sahoo began Pranic Healing in 2013 and is Executive Director of Pranic Healing Bucks County, a 501c3 organization that hosts IRL and online meditation & healing events. Alison has completed all three levels of Pranic Healing certification, including the rigorous Pranic Psychotherapy Certification (CPPT) and is licensed to teach MCKS Basic Pranic Healing. She is also an active member of the Quantum Physics Prana Studies (QPPS) leadership team and manages a Pranic Healing pod that meets regularly to work on healing cases. Alison holds a BS in Physics from McGill University and an MBA from Rutgers University.